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来源:留学保险网 最后更新:2019-10-24 09:54:33 作者:留学保险项目组 浏览:7438次

医院    Hospital:


      Please go to Public Hospital, Normal Department.


      Private and joint-venture hospitals, special needs, international outpatient and emergency department, foreign guests' wards, VIP wards, medical plastic surgery and cosmetic department, rehabilitation department, cadre wards, private rooms, single rooms, packaged bed and hanging beds are not eligible for reimbursement. 


发票、病历    Invoice & Medical Record:


      Every time you go to hospital, please collect every valid original invoices and ask doctor to write medical records for you. 


      The billing invoice date is consistent with the medical treatment date recorded in the outpatient and emergency medical records, and the name on the invoice and medical records is consistent with a field in the name of the passport. In case of any inconsistency, please change the name at the charge office of the hospital or ask the teacher who holds the office to issue the name certificate. If the invoice is in Chinese name, the Chinese name shall be marked on the application form for insurance claims.  


疾病门诊理赔规则介绍    Introduction to claims settlement rules:

1、免赔额650RMB & 学生自付比例15%    Deductible 650RMB & Coinsurance 15%:

      在一个保险期间内,累计超过 650 元免赔额以上的部分按照 85%比例赔付,累计给付保险金额以 20000 元为限。当累计给付金额达到其保险金额时,对被保险人的该项保险责任终止。 释:免赔额是本险种设置650元为免赔额(一个保险期间内累计扣一次 650 元),免赔额以下部分不予赔付。

      The reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by the Insured for receiving outpatient or emergency medical treatment because of illness, within each insurance period, the reasonable medical expenses exceeding 650 yuan can apply for a claim, that excess portion will be reimbursed at a percentage of 85%, and the accumulative payment shall not exceed the limit of RMB20000. The insurance liability shall be terminated once the accumulative amount of payment reaches the sum insured. 


2、门急诊医疗费用包括    Medical expenses of outpatient and emergency treatment:

      普通门诊、急诊、门诊手术、急诊留观、急诊抢救所产生的相关费用;由公 立医院或卫生防疫部门提供证明的传染病因隔离期间所产生的相关费用;因与住院同一病因而产生的院 前、院后的门诊费用等均归属于门急诊医疗责任范围内。 即:如因发烧、突然腹痛、晕倒、身体某处炎症等等在门诊或急诊进行治疗的。

      The related expenses incurred from general outpatient treatment, emergency treatment, outpatient surgery, hospitalization for observation, emergency rescue, isolation due to infectious diseases that is certified by the public hospital or department of public health and epidemic prevention, and expense or cost of outpatient and emergency treatment before and after hospitalization that arise from the same cause of disease are also deemed as outpatient and emergency treatment. For example, being treated in the outpatient or emergency for fever, sudden abdominal pain, faint, and inflammation etc.

3、报销公式    Reimbursement equation:

      报销公式:(合理的医疗费用合计-650 元)*85%=可报销费用(合理费用合计不含当地社会基本医疗保险规定的自费及部分自费费用)。

      (the reasonable expenses of each day add up - 650 yuan) *85%=reimbursable amount (the total amount of reasonable expenditures shall exclude the self-paid or partly self-paid items and expenses stipulated by the local regulations of the social basic medical insurance)


      For instance, you spent 800RMB in July 1st, 600RMB in July 2nd, 200RMB in July 3rd, then these expenses would be calculated as follows:

      计算公式:{(800+600+200)- 650} * 85%= 807.5    (注:具体赔付多少需提交理赔文件进行审核后出结果。注保存起付线一下疾病门诊的全部医疗文件,超过起付线后可申请理赔,理赔时须一并提交。)

      Calculation equation:{(800+600+200)- 650} * 85%= 807.5   (Note: The exact number of reimbursement result also depends on the materials you submitted.)


申请理赔所需提交资料清单    List of materials required for claim:


         Reimbursement Application Form (Insured’s handwritten signature & school stamp are required.)


         Copy of your passport


         All valid original invoices.


         All the medical records  (Provide daily medical records.)


         Bank account information (You are required to go to the bank with your passport and debit card, ask the staff there to print the account information for you. The information should include: account name, account number and sub-branch name.)


         Contact Information (Please write your contact number and e-mail address on a piece of paper. You are also suggested to provide contact information of the International Students Office or phone number of your teacher.)  


理赔资料快递地址    Postal address:

收件人    Recipient:来华项目组,

地址    Address:北京市西城区金融街23号平安大厦9层,

电话    Tel:400-810-5119                  


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